Hours by Appointment
  • Hours of operation Monday to Thursday 7:30-9:00, Friday 7:30- 6:00, Saturday 8:00-2:00.
Dental Emergencies
If you are experiencing a DENTAL emergency, during regular business hours, Please call (781) 235 4321

Surgical Services and Extraction


Before extraction, if it is not medically contraindicated, please take Tylenol. Unless directed by your dentists, do not use NSAIDS class of medications (Advil, Aspirin, Aleve) since they prolong bleeding.

Why Tooth Extraction?

Tooth decay that has destroyed enough tooth structure to render the tooth non-restorable
Extractions of impacted or problematic wisdom teeth
Extraction of extra teeth that block other teeth from erupting in the mouth
Extractions of some permanent teeth to make space for orthodontic treatment
or due to other complicated issues

Periodontal surgeries

  • Preventing tooth loss;
  • Eliminating bacteria and infection by restoring bone and gum tissue that can easily be cleaned by the patients;
  • Periodontal Crown Lengthening;
  • Frenectomy and Frenotomy of the lip muscles pulling on the supporting gum tissue to prevent premature tooth loss;
  • Tongue tie release;

Other surgical services:

Surgical Root Canal (hemi section or root amputation) Guided Implant Therapy: Computer Designed, Computer Aided Implant Placement.