Hours by Appointment
  • Hours of operation Monday to Thursday 7:30-9:00, Friday 7:30- 6:00, Saturday 8:00-2:00.
Dental Emergencies
If you are experiencing a DENTAL emergency, during regular business hours, Please call (781) 235 4321

Esthetic (cosmetic) Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Aging makes teeth less bright as the enamel gets thinner and the dentin becomes darker.
Most common reasons for teeth to get yellow or stained are:
Drinking dark-colored liquids such as coffee, cola, tea and red wine
Using tobacco
Not taking good care of your teeth and not having regular professional care

Bonding or tooth color fillings:

In this procedure, which is done in one visit, the surface of the tooth is prepared in order to accept the bonding and hold it. A gel is applied to micro etch the tooth surface, and a primer/bond agent is applied so that the tooth color restoration (composite resins) can adhere to the surface of the tooth. The tooth-colored resin material is placed on the tooth and hardened with a curing light, then shaped and polished to get a lustrous finish.

Dental bonding is an option that can be considered for the following:

  • To repair decayed teeth with white (tooth color) composite resins that are used to fill cavities
  • To repair chipped or cracked teeth
  • To improve the appearance of discolored teeth
  • To close spaces between teeth
  • To change the shape of teeth
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings
  • To protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums recede

Other Cosmetic Procedures:

Tooth color composite veneers facing for front teeth
Zirconia veneer that doesn’t stain with colored foods or drinks
Protecting exposed roots
Changing alignment, shape, and brightness shade of the teeth with crowns and bridges
Filling spaces crested by missing teeth with crowns, bridges, implant, or dentures,